Due to the ongoing pandemic some elements of the program may be changed from a physical format to a digital one. We decided not to ask for physical A2 panels but for pdf's, the jury will not meet in person and depending on the actual situation future events like the workshops and the award ceremony may have a different format. We will keep you informed here.
June 2020
Inviting the universities
Archiprix International sends invitations to the chairs of all universities worldwide teaching architecture urban design and/or landscape architecture. These schools are invited to select their best graduation project completed after May 1, 2018 and invite the designer(s) to submit the selected project for participation. The submitted graduation projects have to comply with prescribed panel dimensions (6 panels A2). In addition to the 6 panels the designer can upload the project on our website where all entries of all editions will be accessible for everyone interested.
> Check our university database. Only if your University does not appear in our list of universities you can > ADD your university. (check our database first!) If the contact data are not correct or incomplete, and therefore you didn't receive our invitation please mail us the correct data >SEND MAIL.
Registration for universities
The selected best graduation project can be registerd here by using the login codes given in the invitation letter.
Registration and upload for participants
Designers whose graduation project is selected by the university can register and upload their project here, using the login codes received from the university.
October 31, 2020 (update)
Registration deadline All projects must be registered before the deadline
November 30, 2020 (update)
Deadline submissions. All entries must be uploaded before November 30 2020
Autumn 2020 postponed: spring 2022
Jury Review
All submitted entries will be reviewed online by an international jury. The international jury of experts will assess and comment upon the submissions. The jury report will be published on the web site and in the book. The jury will select the very best projects.
> jury 2001 > jury 2003 > jury 2005 > jury 2007 > jury 2009 > jury 2011 > jury 2013 > jury 2015 > jury 2017
April 2021 postponed: November 2023
All participants will be invited to participate in the Archiprix International workshops. These best graduates from around the world form a unique group of young talented designers. They will assemble in the campus of EiABC. The workshops are lead by prominent designers and will address themes relevant to architecture, urban design and/or landscape architecture in the 21st century. The organization and further programming of the workshops will be done by EiABC and Technical University Delft in consultation with Archiprix International.
> Workshops 2001 > Workshops 2003 > Workshops 2005 > Workshops 2007 > Workshops 2009 > Workshops 2011 > Workshops 2013 > Workshops 2015 > Workshops 2017
All entries will be exposed in a major exhibition. A selection of graduation projects submitted to Archiprix International: the nominees selected by the jury and the favorites selected by the participants, will be compiled into a major overview exhibition to be shown in public venues for a broad public. The exhibition concept will be developed in collaboration with the Antenna-Men.
May 7 2021 Postponed: December 2 2023
Award ceremony
The Archiprix International award ceremony will be held after the workshop. All participants, as well as representatives of the participating educational institutions and of the participating countries will be invited to attend. The chairperson of the international jury will present the jury report and announce the winners. The program focuses mainly on the Archiprix International participants and their plans.
December 2023
A selection of the submitted entries of the Archiprix International will be published in a newsprint. It will present the jury report, the projects nominated by the jury, the winners and the favourites of the participants. The newsprint will be edited by Archiprix International Rotterdam, the design and lay-out will be done by the Antenna-Men.
All submitted projects of all editions of the Archiprix International are published on the website. The Archiprix International website serves a dual purpose. On the one hand it provides an international platform for budding design talent whose graduation work can be viewed in digital form. On the other hand it functions as an easily accessed source of information about Archiprix International for the participating students and educational institutions. Over the years, regardless of which country takes on the task of organizing Archiprix International, the website remains a constant factor, a reliable source of information with details about educational institutions and a virtual exhibition space for the most talented young designers of the moment.
The website also presents the world’s most extensive list of schools in the fields of architecture, urban design and landscape architecture. All participants receive a unique username and password to upload their project.