Apr 6, 2009 - Marina van den Bergen
workshop presentation group 7

Apr 3, 2009

Apr 2, 2009

Mar 31, 2009 - Marina van den Bergen
Workshop first presentations (update)
The ramble is a 6-lane speedway, what must serve as a public space is actually a border. They\'re researching ways how to give this border a human dimension by join the sea and the city together with a grand design. They used the metaphor of the big wave - a symbol that\'s on almost every postcard - of how they want to bring nature into the city and city into the sea. Their proposals are still sketchy one of them it to move the motorway. This way, new areas will be better connected to the city and flourish from it. Where the motorway touches the sea, architecture will transform this point. Other proposals involve adding new functions to the sea, which is now only used for swimming and fishing, and filtering the sea so it will be less polluted in the nearby further.

Mar 30, 2009 - Marina van den Bergen
Group 7 is also looking at the relationship between the city and the sea, but concentrates on where the city meets the Rio de la Plata. The concept they are working on is city into the city, city into the sea, sea into the city. With this in mind, every group member chooses a spot en will work out a program. In the end, all programs are put together and be connected with each other.

Mar 26, 2009
start workshop

Mar 25, 2009
The brief: Sleeping beauty
Sleeping, sleep; to sleep off: dormir hasta que pase; to sleep in: dormir hasta tarde. Beauty, beauties: belleza, hermosura. QUESTIONINGS TO THE CORRECT THING OR WHAT IT SEEMS TO BE CORRECT WHY TO HOPE THAT THE ELEMENTS AS GENERIC CONCEPT, COLLAPSE, OR STOP WORKING FOR BEING QUESTIONED LIKE SO OR LOOKING FOR NEW ANSWERS? IT IS POSSIBLE TO REDEFINE A SPACE OR ACCEPTED AND APPROPRIATE CONCEPT BY THE USER? THAT ACCEPTANCE BEEN WORTH THING LIKE SO? The coast of Montevideo appears like the public space by excellence of the city for the premises and foreigners. Appears like a linear space with diverse characteristics from the east to the west and the other way, where the city and water are joined; a space not thought and not designed like unique ac, in fact, but a space-result, consequence of the own city and its movements, their economy and the own time like generating dimension. Excluding part of the collective mentality, that lives in the city and from those, who arrive at her like visitors. It is transformed into clearest and present for own and strange, memorable, and melancholic image, for those, who today cannot enjoy it, permanently enjoined and for those who coexists with her, and absolutely identification for those who were temporary visitors. LAB MVD SLEEPING BEAUTY, raises to observe this reality and simultaneously to do questions to him, to question it. It raises to take advantage of dynamics WORKSHOP and to focus it like an intense LABORATORY of work, questioning, investigation and discussion, where the own object like obtained end item, happens to a second place. We create suitable to harness the fresh and spontaneous vision of distant glances that as soon as they will have time to become familiar with the site, and to face this a consolidated space or that it tries it to be, added to a reality that by these zone raises a DIMENSION OF DIFFERENT TIME, SLOWER, WHERE THE IMAGES AND VISIIONS OF THE CITY IN LAST, PRESENT TIMES AND FUTURE, DONT LOOKS DIFFERENTS, a classical situation or panorama, local and regional. LIKE ARCHITECTS AND USERS OF THIS SYSTEM AND SPACE, WE CREATE DEEPLY IN THE CONSTANT QUESTION UNTIL REACHING THE CONCLUSION THAT WELL WHAT IS, IT IS. WE OBSERVE AND WE DETECTED A VERY HARD INERTIA TO CHANGES RELATIONABLE ALSO WITH THE OWN IDENTITY NOT ONLY OF THE SPACE IN QUESTION, EXPAND TO A PERSONAL AND HUMAN DIMENSION, GREATER, AND TRUSTED SIMULTANEOUSLY, DECIDEDLY IN A POTENTIAL TO EVEN EXPLODE, VISIBLE AND HIDDEN, SIMULTANEOUSLY IMPLICIT, A POTENTIAL IN OWN THE THEMATIC ONE, AND JUST OBVIOUS. THE CHANGE LIKE BASIC PROYECTUAL STRATEGY, AGAINST CONSTANT INERTIA, AND SLOWNESS, NOT ONLY TO CHANGE, SIMPLY TO EVOLVE. WE DEMAND A PROYECTUAL AND QUESTIONING ATTITUDE , POWERFUL, WITH ABLE ARGUMENTS OF: TO DEFORM, TO MODIFY, TO TRANSFORM, TO INTERCEPT, OR TO DESTABILIZE A RELATION CITY-COAST, THAT TODAY SEEMS CORRECT, STABLE, SEEM TO SLEEP, OR AT LEAST, TO BE HOPING AND ASKING TO BE WAKED UP. Sleeping, sleep; to sleep off: dormir hasta que pase; to sleep in: dormir hasta tarde. Beauty, beauties: belleza, hermosura. CUESTIONAMIENTOS A LO CORRECTO O LO QUE PARECE SER CORRECTO ¿POR QUE ESPEREAR A QUE LOS ELEMENTOS COMO TERMINO GENERICO, COLAPSEN O DEJEN DE FUNCIONAR PARA SER CUESTIONADOS COMO TAL O BUSCAR NUEVAS RESPUESTAS? ¿ES POSIBLE REDEFINIR UN ESPACIO O CONCEPTO ACEPTADO Y APROPIADO POR EL USUARIO? ¿ESA ACEPTACION LO VALIDA COMO TAL? La costa de Montevideo se presenta como el espacio público por excelencia de la ciudad para locales y extranjeros. Se presenta como un espacio lineal con características diversas desde este a oeste y viceversa, donde la ciudad y el agua se juntan; un espacio no pensado ni diseñado como acto único, sino un espacio-resultado, consecuencia de la propia ciudad y sus movimientos, su economía y el propio tiempo como dimensión generadora. Forma parte excluyente de la mentalidad colectiva que vive en la ciudad y de quienes llegan a ella como visitantes. Se transforma en la imagen más clara y presente para propios y extraños, recordable, melancólica para quienes hoy no la pueden disfrutar, disfrutable y permanente para quienes conviven con ella, y absolutamente identificadora para quienes fueron visitantes temporales. LAB MVD SLEEPING BEAUTY, plantea observar esta realidad y a la vez hacerle preguntas, cuestionarla. Plantea aprovechar la dinámica de WORKSHOP y enfocarla como un LABORATORIO intenso de trabajo, de cuestionamiento, de investigación y discusión, donde el propio objeto como producto final logrado, pasa a un segundo lugar. Creemos adecuado potenciar la visión fresca y espontanea de miradas lejanas que apenas tendrán tiempo de familiarizarse con el sitio, y enfrentar esto a un espacio consolidado o que pretende serlo sumado a una realidad que por estos lares plantea una DIMENSION DEL TIEMPO DIFERENTE, MAS LENTA, DONDE LAS IMÁGENES Y LECTURAS DE LA CIUDAD EN TIEMPOS PASADOS, ACTUALES Y FUTUROS NO PARECEN DIFERIR, una situación o panorama local y cuasi regional. COMO ARQUITECTOS Y USUARIOS DE ESTE SISTEMA Y ESPACIO, CREEMOS PROFUNDAMENTE EN LA PREGUNTA CONSTANTE HASTA PARA LLEGAR A LA CONCLUSION DE QUE LO QUE ESTÁ, ESTÁ BIEN. OBSERVAMOS Y DETECTAMOS UNA INERCIA MUY FUERTE A LOS CAMBIOS RELACIONABLE TAMBIEN CON LA PROPIA IDENTIDAD NO SOLO DEL ESPACIO EN CUESTION SINO DE UNA DIMENSION MAYOR CUASI PERSONAL Y HUMANA, Y CONFIAMOS A LA VEZ, DECIDIDAMENTE EN UN POTENCIAL AUN POR EXPLOTAR, UN POTENCIAL VISIBLE Y OCULTO A LA VEZ, IMPLICITO EN LA PROPIA TEMATICA, Y CUASI OBVIO. EL CAMBIO COMO ESTRATEGIA PROYECTUAL BASICA, FRENTE A LA CONSTANTE INERCIA Y LENTITUD, NO SOLO POR CAMBIAR, SIMPLEMENTE EVOLUCIONAR. RECLAMAMOS UNA ACTITUD PROYECTUAL Y CUESTIONADORA, FUERTE, CON ARGUMENTOS CAPACES DE: DEFORMAR, MODIFICAR TRANSFORMAR, INTERCEPTAR, O DESESTABILIZAR UNA RELACION CIUDAD-COSTA, QUE HOY PARECE CORRECTA, ESTABLE, PARECE DORMIR, O POR LO MENOS ESTAR ESPERANDO Y PIDIENDO SER DESPERTADA.

Adrian Duran, Mario Baez (Uruguay) mbad arquitectos mariobaezadrianduran Nominees Archiprix International 2003 with the project Anytime / Anywhere.